This is what we have been waiting for – and our clients as well. However, please don’t fret if it isn’t all plain sailing. Remember, you can’t please all of the people all of the time, and you must consider yourself. You cannot fit your whole clientele into one week; nor can you work 24/7. It will take several weeks to get round to everyone on your books, and hopefully clients will understand. Those who don’t may look elsewhere – which is fine. You are in total control of your business, so be firm and don’t overbook, rush or be persuaded to do more than is possible.
Working with a visor and PPE will no doubt feel strange to start with and we may feel a bit self-conscious, however it will soon become the ‘new normal’ and we will settle into it.
Use your own common sense, take control of situations and if you are uncomfortable in a client’s home, that they are not clean enough, don’t go. Your safety and the safety of your clients is your priority and you will gain respect for your professionalism and standards.