FHA Allergy Alert Test / Skin Test System
/ Protocol Best Practice

The FHA Skin Test System which comprises of the AAT/Skin test and screening. This provides a complete practical, workable solution to effective skin testing and client care for all freelance hairdressers.

FHA Skin Test/Allergy Alert Protocol Best Practice

  • A skin test must be carried out on every client, following *manufacturers way of skin testing once a year and result recorded.
  • The skin test results must be kept on file for six years.

The FHA Recommends

  • A skin test to be carried out following the *manufacturers way of skin testing using the shade to be used or the darkest shade from the chosen brand not less than 48 hours before application.
  • A skin test to be repeated for the client, following the *manufacturers way of skin testing if there is a change in the chosen brand, not less than 48 hours before application.
  • Colourstart Patch may be used for skin test/allergy alert testing.

* Please Note: manufacturers way of skin testing: i.e. all brands have different ways of skin testing so follow the application method that is given by the brand you are using. Be aware you are required to retest if you change the brand of colour you are using or using a colour darker than the tint used for their test.

This protocol is accepted by FHA insurance.

Be aware you are required to retest if you change the brand of colour you are using or using a colour darker than the tint used for their test. If you feel comfortable skin testing more often that is perfectly acceptable.

FHA Allergy Alert Screening and Colour Record Card

Following the annual skin test, regular screening is required prior to each colour service. Screening is carried out by asking specific questions to highlight any changes that may have occurred from the last colour service showing whether the colour service can go ahead or whether another test is required.

The FHA Allergy Alert Screening and Colour Record Card has a list of screening questions that we recommend are asked before each colour service and signed by the client.

We have all you need to record and carry out Skin Tests. The Colour Consultation and Record card, the Annual Allergy Alert/Skin Test form which members can purchase on FHA website.