Staff Room Chat

This is going from strength to strength and it’s down to all of you who participate actively and to those who passively watch and pick up advice. If you are not a part of this already JOIN. You are missing so much support, advice and more.

It is fab-u-lous-to realise how this unites you all. The Staff Room Chat FB group is an integral part of your membership. Its brings you closer to the people who understand you and your working environment and you get the great feeling of belonging, The support and caring for one another, not only with work, but with client and colour issues is amazing and members now turn to each other with personal, private matters and you are there for each other.

You are the best of the bunch, you make the FHA the best community this industry has to offer.

Freelancing? You’re never alone with the FHA to watch your back!

By |Published On: December 6th, 2019|Categories: News & Blogs|