Spend time with John and sort out all your business problems…
John is a true business guru who understands the world of self-employed hairdressers. He knows the problems we face in freelancing – dealing with clients etc. He will look at pricing issues, teach you how to stay in control of your clients, how to say no, build your confidence, and increase your self-esteem and assertiveness. Learn how to take control of your business and be seen as a true professional with this training and an exclusive rate.
The 2019 dates have now passed but we can arrange alternative dates early in the new year at Wella Studios in London and Manchester. Call us for more information.
Paula Preedy – “I did my first amazing course and I was blown away by the content and delivery of the course by John Huscroft. I’m so happy to be finally feeling part of a group again. I really want to master balayage.”
Nicola Pile – “I would like to thank you John Huscroft very much for his much-needed business and marketing help. I woke up about 1 hr before alarm this morning. Normally I would hit snooze but today something happened, and I wanted to get up and write down work related issues in my head at 6am. I felt back in the game today after my training.”
Louise Allen – “Wow, what a fantastic day with John Huscroft teaching us all about our businesses, how to run them smoothly, cost-effectively,how to earn extra money and how to be assertive. Highly recommend this to anyone who is serious about their business.”
Katie Zapletal – “What an amazing day with the fantastic John Huscroft. I feel renewed, rejuvenated and upgraded. So much food for thought to help us grow ourselves and our businesses. It was great to chat and network with the other members of our FHA tribe too. We are so lucky to have access to this training. If you haven’t been to one of John’s courses you are definitely missing out.”