Racoon Taster Day – 21st October
Following on from the success of Racoon Hair Extensions at our Inspire!2019 event – we have set up a taster day on Monday 21st October exclusive discounts for FHA members…
This is an opportunity to meet CEO, Sue Davenport, Racoon Educators and Business Development Managers who are keen to build relationships with FHA members.
In the morning you will have demonstration of all three Racoon core systems. In the afternoon there will be a workshop and an opportunity to get hands on practice with the systems.
The day will end with plenty of time for questions and chat to the educators.
Lunch and refreshments included.
FHA Exclusive: £35
Non Members: £65
09.30 to 15.00 on 21st October 2019
at 1 Strand, Charing Cross, London WC2N 5EH
To book your place call: 01582 431783