This range of fantastic member exclusive offers is available once you have joined The FHA

This category can only be viewed by members. To view this category, sign up by purchasing FHA Membership - Monthly.

10% OFF Portable Sterilising Products

June 10th, 2020|Member Exclusives|

10% OFF Portable Sterilising Products 59S UK Pioneering Portable Sterilising. This is a sterilising system using UVC LED Technology an alternative to using solutions and sprays. There are various products in the range to choose from including a sterilising bag fitted with UVC LED technology. It sterilises your equipment at speed and works on the [...]

Saloncide – Keep your equipment, hands and client safe!

May 1st, 2020|Member Exclusives|

10% OFF ‘Saloncide’ Exclusive Discount for FHA members Saloncide is the ultimate ‘one-stop’ alcohol free disinfectant hygiene system for hair, beauty & tattoo salons Literally ‘spray and go’, no rinsing required! The answer to keeping your equipment, your hands and your client safe. In laboratory tests, Saloncide has been proven to be effective against MRSA, [...]

Help with GDPR

May 1st, 2020|Member Exclusives|

Help with GDPR During the current Coronavirus lockdown, Jo Irving joined us in a live broadcast. She mentioned GDPR and was happy to share her information. We have put the guide for GDPR and her template for terms here for you to download. Please note these instructions from Jo: “Please read through in full and [...]


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