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Who is it for?

This is for new members at the start of your business or maybe you are in need of refreshing your business. Join Sheila Abrahams and Kate Lovelace as they take you through the basics of getting your business off the ground. How you should present your business to ensure your clients realise you are running a professional service that you want to be taken seriously.

Why do it?

This business advice session will help you build your confidence to move forward in your freelance business.

Among topics covered will be, Bookkeeping, Pricing, Retailing, Creating a Workspace, How to achieve a Professional Image plus general advice on do’s and don’ts.

What do I need?

Bring along a pen and paper.

This course is for FHA members only. This is the last opportunity in 2020 to have a complimentary place. For future courses there will be a charge of £25.


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
Tickets are no longer available


Event Start
05/10/2020 @ 10:00 am
Event End
05/10/2020 @ 1:00 pm
Event Categories
Training, Virtual


01582 431783



Additional Information

What do I need?

Bring along a pen and paper.

Terms & Conditions

  • The Zoom details are confidential and for those who have booked a place only. They are not transferable and must not be shared.
  • Please note that your booking fee is non-refundable so please make sure you remember to join the meeting.