We have groups around the UK run by members who volunteer their time to organise events at a local level. In these days of zooming you can go along and join in with any or all of the events. Everyone is welcome to join in with their activities. Reps details can be found at: https://thefha.org.uk/fha-groups/
We currently have these areas covered in England and Scotland.
- Berkshire
- Devon & Cornwall
- Dorset & Somerset
- East Berks & Bucks
- East Dorset & West Hampshire
- Essex
- Gloucestershire & Worcestershire
- Hampshire South
- Kent
- Luton, Beds & Herts
- Middlesex
- Midlands
- Norfolk/Suffolk
- North West
- Northamptonshire
- Oxfordshire
- Surrey
- Sussex
- Yorkshire (Leeds)
- Scotland