Have you joined the Staff Room Chat group? This where you find the most help, advice, support and friendship.  Become a part of your caring c sharing community. Request to join, you’ll be glad you did! https://www.facebook.com/groups/

Are you saving money on your stock and equipment? Salon supplies give FHA memebrs 20%. Discount Code; FHASS20GH. Coolblades give 10% discount when you register an account.

FHA Regional Groups. Check online under Members Exclusives/FHA Groups and find out if you have a group near you. These groups are open to everyone and you can join any one or all if you would like to.

Enjoy the freedom that the FHA Skin Test Protocol gives you. A practical and realistic way of working with colour.

We want you to enjoy your membership and take full advantage of the many benefits it brings you.