Stay Informed, Stay Protected

At FHA, transparency and integrity are paramount. Familiarize yourself with our membership terms and conditions to ensure a seamless and fulfilling experience as part of our community.

From membership renewal procedures to insurance coverage details, our terms and conditions outline essential information to help you make the most of your FHA membership. Stay informed, stay protected, and enjoy peace of mind as you navigate your freelance hairdressing journey with FHA.

Questions or concerns? Our team is here to help. Contact us for assistance and let’s ensure your membership experience exceeds expectations.

See below for our full T&C’s

Terms and Conditions of FHA Membership

All levels of FHA Membership includes Public Liability Insurance subject to meeting FHA criteria and proof of qualifications verified and membership validated.

To validate membership and insurance FHA must receive proof of qualification of all services. (May be scanned or copied) Without your qualifications on our files you will be working uninsured and in the event of a claim you would not be covered.

Failure to comply with this may invalidate your membership and cancel your insurance with immediate effect.**

Annual Membership

  • FHA Annual membership: Insurance is valid immediately on joining providing qualifications have been verified.
  • FHA Membership and insurance is validated upon receipt of *proof of qualification. (*may be scanned or copied)
  • FHA Membership/Insurance is valid for 12 months – renewable annually.
  • FHA Membership and insurance will be cancelled without *receipt of proof of qualification. (*may be scanned or copied)
  • FHA Late or failed payment will result in membership and insurance being cancelled with immediate effect.
  • FHA Annual renewal will be invited one month before subscriptions is due to expire.
  • FHA 14 days notice is required to cancel membership.
  • FHA refunds are honoured within 14 days of application or renewal and subject to a £55 admin fee. refunds must be requested in writing only, not over the phone.

Monthly Membership

  • FHA Monthly membership: Insurance is valid immediately on joining providing qualifications are verified.
  • FHA Monthly membership: Requires one initial joining fee – providing payments are continuous.
  • FHA Monthly membership: Late or failed payments will result in membership and insurance being cancelled with immediate effect and a joining fee will be charged when reinstating payments.
  • FHA Membership will be cancelled without *receipt of proof of qualification. (*may be scanned or copied)


  • All training, events, seminars and bursaries are provided by Freelance Hairdressers Association.

Keep Personal Details Updated:

  • Please ensure we have all of your personal details correct and up to date.
  • If your personal details change, please notify the FHA to ensure that your membership/insurance remains valid.
  • If your circumstances change, please notify the FHA to ensure that your membership/insurance remains valid.
  • FHA reserve the right to refuse membership and insurance.

** These are not the contractual terms of the insurance- these can be located within the policy wording.

1. Definitions

In these regulations, unless the context requires otherwise:

(a) The ‘Freelance Hairdressers’ Association’ will be known as “the Association”

(b) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be referred to as “the UK”

(c) Categories of Membership

(i) A Full member is one who meets the criteria specified in 3 “Membership Standards” (a)

(ii) An Associate member is one who has completed their training, obtained the necessary qualifications and is in the process of gaining the experience required by the Association for full membership.

(iii) A Student member is anyone undertaking training for qualifications recognised by the Association in hairdressing or beauty therapy.

(iv) A Club member is an existing FHA member who due to change in circumstances has taken a break from their Freelance business, but wishes to remain in touch with the Association.

(v) An Advanced member has been an FHA member for 2 or more years and has completed a higher level of training. A set fee is payable for life of membership.

2. Application for Membership

(a) Applications for membership will be considered from a self-employed person who carries out (or intends to carry out) hairdressing or beauty therapy.

(b) Applications for membership shall be made to the Association in writing by means of the current application form, which the Association may revise from time to time. The applicant will be required to submit details as described in 3, “Membership Standards”.

3. Membership Standards of a Full Member

(a) Members must prove to the reasonable satisfaction of the Association that they comply with the following standards before they may be considered for membership. These standards may be revised from time to time to comply with Acts of Parliament, legal guidelines or standards laid down by the Association.

(i) Members must satisfy the Association that they are qualified to either City & Guilds or NVQ Level 2 standards, or have served a recognised apprenticeship.

(ii) Other similar levels of qualification may be considered.

(iii) Members must have a minimum of two years’ experience following qualification.

(iv) Members are required to be aware of specifications and other requirements published by the Health and Safety Executive, British Standards Institution and Office of Fair Trading.

(vi) Members must have a current Public Liability Insurance policy.

(vii) Members must be registered or undertake to register with the Inland Revenue as being self-employed.

(b) Members are required to notify the Association of any changes which may affect their membership. Failure to do so may result in expulsion or suspension.

(c) Associate members must prove to the satisfaction of the Association that they comply with (a)(i)(iv)(v)+(vi)above.

(d) Student members must prove that they are following a course of training to lead to either City & Guilds or NVQ Level 2 standards, or are serving a recognised apprenticeship.

(e) Club members will not be freelancing and therefore will not hold Public Liability Insurance.

(f) Advanced members will lose their status if their full membership is not kept up to date.

4. Membership Entitlements.

Full Members are entitled to:

(a) Receive an identity card. This will provide proof of membership of the association and, in turn, proof of attaining the standards set down by the Association.

(b) Receive a car sticker and a certificate, which will also show that the member is as above.

(c) Representation by the Association to promote the standards of its members within the industry and to the general public and to Parliament whenever deemed necessary by the Association.

(d) The use of the Technical Advice line, the number of which will be made available on Association material, and which is available for members to contact with any technical queries they may have.

(e) Regular e newsletters and text messages will keep members in touch with developments within the industry, and contain advice which will be beneficial to their business.

(f) Information about regulations made by the Health and Safety Executive or similar bodies which may affect their business.

(g) Training and social events.

(h) Other activities and benefits which may be made available from time to time, some of which may be on a fee- paying basis.

Associate Members are entitled to (a-i) but will be required to complete CPD hours until they have 2 years following qualification.

Student Members are entitled to:

(a) Regular e newsletters and text messages will keep members in touch with developments within the industry, and contain advice which will be beneficial to their business.

(b) The use of Technical Advice lines

(c) Training and social events

(d) Other activities and benefits which may be made available from time to time, some of which may be on a fee- paying basis.

5. Renewal of Membership

A member shall complete a renewal application annually, which must be accompanied by such sums as may be payable.

6. Termination of Membership

(a) Membership will be terminated if:

(i) The member ceases to carry out their business in a self-employed capacity, full or part time.

(ii) The member retires

(iii) The member is expelled or suspended from the association.

(iv) The member resigns.

(b) If membership is terminated the member shall remain liable for any arrears or debts incurred to the Association.

(c) If membership is terminated, fees that have been paid for the period in which termination takes place will not be refunded.

(d) Notice of Termination of membership must be given in writing, be it by the member or the Association.

(e) Termination of membership after 7 days will be liable to an administration fee of £55.

(f) If you wish to cancel your application within 7 days you will be subject to a minimum £55 administration charge. No refunds given after 7 days of joining.

Terms & Conditions for FHA COURSES

  1. Course confirmation details and will be sent out approximately 21 days prior to the commencement of a course. Should we not have filled the course 21 days beforehand, it will be cancelled and any monies paid can be refunded, transferred or held on account at your request.
  2. If you cancel less than 10 days’ prior to the course start date, then the full fee is payable.
  3. A 50% deposit is required on booking. If cancelled an administration fee of £15 will be charged.
  4. If a course is cancelled by the FHA, there will be a full refund of any fees paid. However, no payment will be made for any expenses incurred in respect of travel arrangements.
  5. No fees are refunded in the event of non-attendance. However, consideration will be given to transferring you to an alternative course provided there is a valid reason for non-attendance and we are notified more than 24 hours before the course start time.
  6. Your FHA membership must be valid and subscription up to date both at the time of booking and until the end of the month in which the course is attended.
  7. If for any reason you may be late on the day of if you cannot attend please let us know as soon as possible. Call either: Head Office on 01582 431783, or Sheila on 07973 437039.

Last Updated: 27/09/2024